How Do You Show Your Pink? Last month was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and people are still finding creative ways to raise awareness about the illness. Campbell's created pink soup can labels to commemorate the month and Kitchen Aide sold pink household appliances. Eventhough stores are selling more pink items, people are still creating new and inventive ways to show off their PINK PRIDE.
Kim Goebel is just one of many business owners who is doing this. Goebel teamed up with Partners For a Cure Foundation to reach a different demographic. Goebel is the creator of the Kimmie Cares Doll and book that are being used to teach girls about breast cancer. She created the product when she was going through chemotherapy. Goebel says women battling cancer find it hard to cope but it is even more difficult to break the news to young girls. She says her products help people explain their illness and sudden hair loss to children when battling the disease. The dolls go from long hair to wearing a scarf, which is commonly seen in women undergoing chemotherapy. The dolls are being used as instruction tools to help young girls undersatnd the changes women go throughwith cancer. They come in five different ethnicities including Asian-American, African American, Native-American, Latin American and Caucasian.

Now, if you're looking for a way to show your support for Breast Cancer and a pink t-shirt or ribbon isn't enough, a local full service salon will extend your locs with some color. Andrea Kowalczyk is the owner of the Art of You Salon in Syracuse will apply pink extension to your hair.

Arrianee (such a great name hehe)
Really interesting blog...thought it was informative. I would have like to have seen a better transition for the first two paragraphs, and you kind of repeated yourself in the first paragraph. A better lead-in to the dolls would have been great. The first link was had a lot of information which was good, and the last link was great, actually made me wanna support breast cancer locally. Great story!!!
Arrianee - as you know, I had one of those pink hair extensions put in at Art of You. They also had tons of breast cancer awareness merchandise. I think it's really interesting how the efforts have expanded to include so many different things. A doll would be a great way to help children learn about what their mother or relative is going through.
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